Christian Health Association Sierra Leone

Reports & Activities

SAM_0698 CHASL Pharmacist Making Drugs donated by CHASL with Support from BMZ/DKH to St John of God Hospital CHASL April 2015 team SAM_0883 SAM_0875 SAM_0848 SAM_0832 SAM_0823 Instruction by CHASL Procurement Assistant on drugs reporting from CHASL Procurement Vehicle Loaded with Drugs fro distribution SAM_0808 SAM_0793 Sr Recieving drugs for Our Lady of Guadalupeh Clinic Instruction by CHASL Procurement Assistant on drugs reporting from SAM_0773 SAM_0763 SAM_0730 SAM_0725 Cross section of holy spirit Staff CHASL Procurement Assistant Making Drugs donated by CHASL with Support from BMZ/DKH to the Panguma Hospital Staff CHASL Pharmacist Making Drugs donated by CHASL with Support from BMZ/DKH to Eugene of St John of God SAM_0656 SAM_0637 CHASL Executive Director Making the donation to Fllod Victims Chasl Staff infront of Chasl donation to flood victims CHASL Staff oflaoding the rice for the donation to flood victims Ambulance showing donor inscription SAM_0641 SAM_0519 SAM_0518 SAM_0513 SAM_0434 CHASL Pharmacist Showing BMZ/DKH Donated Drugs CHASL Vehicle in Bad Roads trying to reach CHASL Member facilities Exercise and Brainstorming session CHASL Donate Cordaid and SLAEDEA donated items to Mercy Hospital Mercy Hospital Pharmacist CHASL STAFF TRAINNING


CHASL Annual Report 2012