Christian Health Association Sierra Leone

Our Team Member

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Secretariat Staff

Florence BullExecutive Director
Martha B. KanuProgramme Manager
Safiatu MansarayFinance Manager
Hamid TurayTechnical Health Advisor
Abu Bakarr TurayIT Comms Officer
Paul Brima KallonTechnical Health Officer
David Anthony KoromaProgramme Monitoring Assistant
Abu B JawaraStore Keeper
Mariama Mamie AmaraFinance Officer
Florence Kumba NgaujahAdmin Finance Officer
Aminata KanuFinance Assistant
Florence Bernard JonesPharmacist
Ishmael Peters KallonAdmin Finance Officer-MSU
Emmanuel Kai KanawaOffice Assistant
Umaru KargboDriver
Alusine MartinDriver
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Training on Helping Mothers Survive and Helping Babies Breathe.

January 26, 2024, culminated a five-day intensive training on Helping Mothers Survive and Helping Babies Breathe at the College of Medical Sciences, Njala University, Kowama Campus. The closing ceremony was graced by the presence of esteemed individuals, including Vice-Chancellor and Principal Professor Koroma, Dean Professor Ansumana, Sr. Pity Kanu, and other Master Trainers from the Ministry of Health, COMAHS, Project Hope, Healey International Relief Foundation, Helping Children Worldwide, CHASL, CHAMPS, and various other organizations.

Awards were presented to participants with exceptional performance and gifts to their facilities, including MamaNatalie, respirators, training, and reading materials. Certificates were given to all attendees following rigorous post-assessments. We have captured the essence of this impactful event through photos and videos, including the stirring commitment songs performed by the dedicated Participants #TrainingCompletion #HealthCareImpact #NjalaUniversitySierraLeone.

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Annual General Assembly of the Christian Health Association Sierra Leone

On Friday, October 27th, CHASL held its Annual General Meeting at the University of Makeni (UNIMAK) Multi-Purpose Hall in Makeni. CHASL, the Christian Health Association Sierra Leone, is a Non-

The purpose of the meeting was to convene the General Assembly, make important decisions regarding the Secretariat, and inform Church Leaders about past and future activities and the overall status of the Secretariat and plans for the coming year. As an agency, CHASL exists to promote Christian health services by embodying the spirit of Christian love and service to those in need, following the life, teachings, and example of our Lord Jesus Christ through providing affordable, high-quality, and accessible healthcare services for the people of Sierra Leone.

CHASL Annual General Assembly 27th October 2023@UNIMAK Multi-Purpose Hall
CHASL Annual General Assembly 27th October 2023@UNIMAK Multi-Purpose Hall
CHASL Annual General Assembly 27th Oct 2023 @UNIMAK Multi-Purpose Hall

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Meeting with BFTW High Power delegation to CHASL Secretariat in Freetown Sierra Leone.

The Christian Health Association of Sierra Leone hosted a high powered delegation from Bread for the World (BFTW) Germany at the Secretariat Hall on the 10th of January at 2pm. The team from BFTW comprised of The CEO and head of Mission-African Director Rev. Dr.  Dagma Pruin, Dr. Nadya Berner and Dr Uta Bracken – Regional Head West Africa Desk. Bread for the World Germany has been a long-standing partner and major donor of CHASL.

In a meeting with the CHASL Executive Council and Secretariat staff the team warmly welcomed the delegation and did a PowerPoint presentation taking them through an overview of CHASL- vison, core mandate, spread as well as BFTW support since 2017 to date and the impact created

Statements expressing appreciation to BFTW and request to support plans moving forward especially the Drug supply unit were made by the Executive Council representative and Senior Management team of CHASL.

Discussion centered around the progress CHASL had made since 2017 during the restructuring phase of the” new CHASL”, the advocacy drives especially with the Ministry of Health which has culminated in the signing of an MOU between CHASL on behalf of its member health facilities and MOHS, monitoring and evaluation and quality assurances roles of CHASL. The delegation was generally impressed and pleased with these inroads made and the success achieved. The team was also interested to know about the Covid vaccination coverage and uptake as well as views of the populace around the Covid vaccine.

A tour of the nearby Methodist Church Community CHASL member Health facility was done looking at the operations of the model incinerator for improved waste disposal which was a project supported by BFTW.

The visit was climaxed with exchange of gifts from both parties and group photographs.

Under the Lens

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SAM_0832 SAM_0823 SAM_0808 SAM_0793 Sr Recieving drugs for Our Lady of Guadalupeh Clinic Instruction by CHASL Procurement Assistant on drugs reporting from SAM_0773 SAM_0763 Cross section of holy spirit Staff SAM_0730 SAM_0725 SAM_0709 SAM_0699 Donation of drugs by CHASL with Support from BMZ/DKH to MCSL community Clinic CHASL Procurement Assistant Making Drugs donated by CHASL with Support from BMZ/DKH to the weslyean health Cernter CHASL Procurement Assistant Making Drugs donated by CHASL with Support from BMZ/DKH to Isata Saffa of Rotifunk Hospital Mr Steven and CHASL Pharmacist present drugs to Mercy  Hospital Bo CHASL Pharmacist Making Drugs donated by CHASL with Support from BMZ/DKH to Mr Joseph Lahai of Serabu CHASL Procurement Assistant Making Drugs donated by CHASL with Support from BMZ/DKH to the Panguma Hospital Staff CHASL Pharmacist Making Drugs donated by CHASL with Support from BMZ/DKH CHASL Pharmacist Making Drugs donated by CHASL with Support from BMZ/DKH to Eugene of St John of God CHASL Pharmacist Making Drugs donated by CHASL with Support from BMZ/DKH SAM_0665 SAM_0658 SAM_0656 Donation of drugs by CHASL with Support from BMZ/DKH to MCSL communiity Clinic SAM_0640 SAM_0604 SAM_0594 SAM_0580 SAM_0568 SAM_0848 SAM_0875 SAM_0883

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