Christian Health Association Sierra Leone

Modia Clinic, Lungi


The Susu Gospel Ministry is an established religious organization operating in the Northern Province of Sierra Leone. The Ministry came into existence out of the burning desire to spread God’s message of salvation to all Susu people who are predominantly Muslims, everywhere in Sierra Leone beyond by establishing, developing and reproducing indigenous Susu churches.

Mission Statement: Bringing the Susu People at all cost


John 10:16 “And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold, I must being them also and they shall hear my voice and they shall become one flock under one shepherd.”

In pursuance of our mission statement, the Ministry has in recent years, completed the construction of a church in Lungi under whose directives and vision the clinic operates. The construction of the Modia General Clinic was funded by FOUNDATION HELP SIERRA LEONE in the Netherlands. It was dedicated in April 2006, witnessed by a representative of the said Foundation, Dr. Parker, the Medical Officer of the Lungi Government Hospital and Community stakeholders.

The activities of the clinic since its inception was supervised by Dr. J. George (Medical Doctor-in-charge) and Dr. Kim, a missionary doctor registered with the Medical and Dental Health Association of Dr. Kakay (Medical Officer) of the Lungi Government Hospital.

The Ministry within the five (5) years has been able to build a church, two (2) classrooms preschool, a four (4) classroom primary school in the Modia Community, a six (6) classroom primary school in Samuya, one of the villages in the community, a six (6) room clinic. The clinic has seven (7) members of staff, mostly in service-training in mission hospitals which includes one (1) TBA, one (1) cleaner, one (1) watchman.

The clinic is non-government and non-profit making institution located in Lungi, in a town called Modia in Kaffu Bullom chiefdom in the Port Loko District, Northern province of Sierra. It is situated approximately one kilometer away from the Freetown International Airport with a catchment area population of over five hundred people (mostly small scale business and subsequent farming inhabitants). As a result of the improvised status of our beneficiaries, our service delivery has been largely based on cost-recovery and in some cases on gratis.

The clinic provides in and outpatient services with a minimum capacity of six beds with three (3) beds allocated in each ward for male and female patients respectively. The clinic since its inception has benefited more than seventeen (17,000 thousand cases with less than one thousand cases referred to either the Lungi Government Hospital or the Mahera Bai Bureh Memorial Hospital a sour collaborative referral enters for surgical intervention or medical cases that demand professional intervention or further investigation and management.

The services of the clinic have attracted and benefitted more than (50) communities and villages in the Kaffu Bullom and Lokomassama chiefdoms respectively. Few cases from the Western Area have also benefitted from our small scale health delivery services.